Friday, December 22, 2006

Points from the President

Sorors, let me take a moment to talk about our many successes as we close out this past year. In September, we opened our beginning 2006-2007 chapter meeting with 50% participation of our financial members.

In October, we had 40% participation at our meeting. We also received a $2,000 grant from the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation to host a Healthy Lifestyle Initiative Dinner. That event brought out several non-financial members who raved about the activity. The Komen Foundation wrote us and asked us to apply for another chance to receive an even greater grant amount.

In November, we voted on new policies and procedures with 27% participation. Soror Bari Thomas prepared a delicious Thanksgiving dinner for the sorors who attended. In addition, our Chapter helped prepare and serve a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at the Advent House on November 18, 2006.

In December, Soror Helena Dubose was kind enough to open her home and let the Chapter have its Christmas Party there. We had 52 people in attendance and some of the sorors participated in a Secret Santa gift exchange. Everyone had a great time at this social event, which was open to all sorors as part of our continuing Year of Reclamation. We did a little eating, drinking, and dancing with Sterling. What fun!!!

The next week, twelve sorors were trained for our upcoming Abstinence Program, “WAIT”, which looks to be another exciting venture. We will receive a grant in the amount of $7,500 to continue reaching out to the community. We are planning on having two or three groups of 15 youth to participate in the program – an elementary/middle school group and a high school group. Sorors can volunteer to help any of the trainers so say “yes” when you get a call. We will combine Delta initiatives to satisfy some of Grand Chapter’s recommended requirements.

We ended the year with a membership reclamation activity of a skating party at Edru’s Skate-A-Rama on Sunday, December 10, 2006. Then we had a well-deserved break.

I hope everyone had an enjoyable Holiday and spent lots of time with family and friends. We get so little time to do the things that mean so much.

As we start the New Year, I am pleased to announce we have a website. Soror Marilouise Mays, our journalist, thought it would be an added feature to have a Lansing area Delta website. Newcomers can learn about us and existing sorors can keep up to date with what is going on. Take a look! The web address is:

We have several activities planned for the New Year as committees begin to meet and discuss Delta business. Remember Membership in Delta Sigma Theta is a lifetime commitment. Thank you sorors for your continued commitment!

I look forward to seeing you at our next meeting!
Soror April Clark